今天接到你的信 讀著讀著無法控制地哭了
這麼多年了 這麼久的歲月 發生好多好多事情
一直一直都把我壓得好痛恨你 但是見到你的時候又完全忘得一乾二淨
如果在分開的時候 有90%的時間都是怨恨著你 完全是痛苦的記憶
剩下來的10%卻是一直眷戀不捨地徘徊 為什麼會這樣呢?
當你告訴我你也是這樣 我卻開始哭了 我從來沒有說出口我的想法
為什麼兩個對對方有同樣想法的人 同時恨著對方氣著對方 卻又還是沒有離開呢
我努力往前走 疑惑著到底要不要離開還是繼續 同時快要被自己內心折磨得快要瘋掉
我正努力自己的事業 同時為了誓言心都快要發狂
這種過程 我想趕快結束 我不需要你的陪伴也能自己一個人走得很好
就算很孤單 我會堅守自己的誓言 你也在做著同樣的事情
從脫離孩子般的依賴父母 你 到靠著自己也能獨活於這個世界 到能夠不面對"貧窮夫妻百事哀"的窘境
你給了我這首歌 ----November rain 和 Don't cry....
November rain
樂團: Guns N'Roses 槍與玫瑰
When I look into your eyes 當我望著你的雙眼
I can see a love restrained 我看到了被壓抑的愛
But darling when I hold you 但是,親愛的!當我擁著你
Don't you know I feel the same 你可知我也深有同感
'Cause nothing lasts forever 因為,好景不長在
And we both know hearts can change 我倆都明白心會變
And it's hard to hold a candle 堅持自我並不容易
In the cold November rain 在這冰冷的十一月的雨中
We've been through this such a long long time 我倆已經歷過很久很久
Just trying to kill the pain 只為了消弭這傷痛
But lovers always come and lovers always go 戀人們來來去去
An no one's really sure who's letting go today 沒有人能確信今天誰將放手
Walking away 誰將離去
If we could take the time 如果我們能把握時間
To lay it on the line 步入正軌
I could rest my head 我就能放下心
Just knowing that you were mine只要明白你是我的
All mine完完全全屬於我
So if you want to love me 如果你想愛我
Then darling don't refrain 心愛的,別壓抑自己
Or I'll just end up walking我將不再遠走
In the cold November rain 在這冰冷的十一月的雨中
Do you need some time...on your own你可需要一些自己的時間?
Do you need some time...all alone 你可需要一些時間獨處?
Everybody needs some time... on their own 每個人都需要屬於自己的時間
Don't you know you need some time all alone 你難道不明白你需要時間獨處?
I know it's hard to keep an open heart 我明白要隨時敞開胸懷並不容易
When even friends seem out to harm you即使是朋友似乎都可能傷害你
But if you could heal a broken heart 但只要你能治癒破碎的心
Wouldn't time be out to charm you 時光也無法傷害你
Sometimes I need some time...on my own 有時候,我需要屬於自己的時間
Sometimes I need some time...all alone有時候,我可需要一些時間獨處
Everybody needs some time... on their own每個人都需要屬於自己的時間
Don't you know you need some time all alone 你難道不明白你需要時間獨處?
And when your fears subside當恐懼平息下來
And shadows still remain陰影仍在
I know that you can love me 我知道你可以愛我
When there's no one left to blame 當沒有人應該被責難
So never mind the darkness所以,不要擔心黑暗
We still can find a way 我倆仍然可以找到出路
'Cause nothing lasts forever 沒有什麼是永遠不變的
Even cold November rain 即使是冰冷的十一月雨
Don't you think that you need somebody 你不覺得你需要有人陪嗎?
Don't you think that you need someone 你不覺得你需要有人陪嗎?
Everybody needs somebody 每個人都需要有人陪伴
You're not the only one 你不是孤單的
You're not the only one 你不是孤單的
Don't Cry (original)
樂團: Guns N'Rose 槍與玫瑰
Talk to me softly輕輕跟我說話的你
There is something in your eyes是什麼在你的眼睛
Don't hang your head in sorrow不要沉醉在悲傷裡
And please don't cry也請不要哭泣
I know how you feel inside now我可以了解你此刻的心
I've been there before因為我也曾經走過這裡
Somethin is changin' inside you但在你的深處有什麼正在改變
And don't you know難道你不知道嗎
Don't you cry tonight今晚請不要哭泣
I still love you baby我依然愛你
Don't you cry tonight今晚請不要哭泣
Don't you cry tonight今晚請你不要哭泣
There's a heaven above you baby因為只要抬頭 你就能看見天堂
And don't you cry tonight所以今晚請不要哭泣
Give me a whisper悄悄地告訴我
And give me a sign並給我一個暗示
Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye
在與我道別前 請給我一個吻
Don't you take it so hard now不要想得如此困難
And please don't take it so bad也請不要想得這麼糟
I'll still be thinkin' of you因為我會一直不停想著你
And the times we had...baby還有我們所擁有的時光 親愛的
And don't you cry tonight所以今晚請不要哭泣
And please remember that I never lied請記住我從不曾說謊
And please rememberhow I felt inside now honey並也請記住我此刻的心
You gotta make it your own way你必需勇敢走出自己的路
But you'll be alright now sugar但是一切都會沒事的 親愛的
You'll feel better tomorrow明天你就會覺得好多了
Come the morning light now baby親愛的 請迎接晨曦的來臨
And don't you cry tonight今晚請不要哭泣
Don't you ever cry 絕對不要哭
Don't you cry tonight, baby, maybe, someday
今晚絕對不要哭 親愛的 也許某天你可以再為我哭泣
Don't you cry tonigh今晚別哭了
Don't you ever cry別再哭了
Don't you cry Tonight 今晚別哭了
11月到了 繼續往前走吧